The American Association for the Advancement of Fatigue and Creep of Coiled Springs: DR. W. H. Science: PIELEMEIER . . . . ....................... ......510 Preliminary Announcement of the Fifth Boston Meeting: DR. HENRY B. WARD ............... 487 Special Articles: Death as the Result of Change of Living Matter Effects of Environmental Conditions on Lonwithin the Plant Cell: DR. JEAN DUFRENOY ............ 494 gevity: LESTER INGLE. Artificially Induced CrossScientific Events: ing-over in Males of Drosophila melanogaster: DR. Reforestation by the Tennessee Valley Authority; HEINRICH FRIESEN. The Action of Ammonia on An American Decimal-Metric Code; Activities of Phenols: PROFESSOR BENJAMIN HARROW, I. M. the U. S. Weather Bureau; 'The Leon Mandel CHAMELIN and HARRY WAGREICH ................... 511 Guatemala Expedition of the Field Museum;Establishment of the Martin Gustav and Caroline Science News. ........... 8 Runice Hanson Fund at the Smithsonian Institution; Award of the Comstock Prize of the National Academy of Sciences to Professor Bridgman 500 SCIENCE: A Weekly Journal devoted to the AdvanceScientific Notes and News ..... .................504 ment of Science, edited by J. McKEsN CATTELL and pubDiscussion: lse vr rdyb Lightning Protection for Trees: PROFESSOR J. B. lished every Friday by WHITEHEAD. Industrial Jobs for Psychologists: DR. RICHARD S. UHRBROCK. A New Intermediate THE SCIENCE PRESS Host for Fascioloides magna (Bassi, 1873) Ward, New York City: Grand Central Terminal 1917: DR. WENDELL H. KRULL. Watermelon SusLancaster Pa. Garrison N. Y. ceptible to Texas Boot Bot: PROFESSOR J. G. Y Y BROWN .......................... ....... 507 Annual Subscription, $6.00 Single Copies, 15 Cts. Quotations: Mayor-elect LaGuardia on Research.509 SCIENCE is the official organ of the American AssociaScientific ALpparatuas and Laboratory M .ethods: tion for the Advancement of Science. Information regardASc implerDvic for Washing Microds Mateing membership in the Association may be secured from SimpleRevice fWor wCashing icroscopic Matethe office of the permanent secretary, in the Smithsonian rial in mBunning Water: CHIaiHSIUN CHu. Elastic Institution Building, Washington, D. C.