Additivity in the Domain of Eventualities (or: Oliver Twist's more)

This paper examines the English additive particle more (more add ), in both its 'nominal' and 'verbal' uses (as in I read 3 more books and I ran 3 kilometers more, respectively). It makes a number of novel observations, showing that 'nominal' more add , obeys constraints in both the nominal and the verbal domains and suggests that this particle denotes a derived additive measure function on eventualities, using a homomorphism form eventualities to their individual participants. The analysis can account for a number of distributional and interpretational constraints on nominal more add. The paper further shows how the analysis can be extended to verbal more add and proposes that it denotes an additive measure function too, which can be either derived, using a homomorphism (measuring the run time, or path of eventualities), or non-derived, (measuring the cardinality of eventualities directly). The analysis can account for a number of aspectual constraints on verbal more add .