Higher education, teaching, learning and the electronic library: A review of the literature for the IMPEL2 project: Monitoring organisational and cultural change

This paper updates and extends an earlier review of the literature by the IMPLEL Project (IMpact on People of Electronic Libraries) at the University of Norhthumbria at Newcastle. That project investigated the social, cultural and organisational impacts on the increasingly electronic environment in UK higher education with a focus of qualified library and information staff. The IMPEL2 Project, a JISC-funded Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib) project, broadens the view of the current educational and information situation, to include academic staff and student users of electronic information, new emphases in teaching and learning along with implications for libraries, librarians and library related personnel. Much of the literature covered is recent, a high percentage having been published since 1990. It illustrates how the far-reaching cultural impacts of the current turbulent climate within higher education, along with those of rapid technological developments, involve stakeholders at all levels in the educational process

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