Extended Influence Diagram Generation

One step towards achieving high interoperability is to get an understanding of the current degree of interoperability, which calls for interoperability analyses. Extended influence diagrams have been proposed as an approach for conducting such interoperability analyses [1]. These extended influence diagrams need to have a high degree of construct validity in the sense that they actually measure the variable under analysis. A convenient way of ascertaining a sufficient degree of construct validity is to base the analyses on scientific theory. Such theory is readily available in the plethora of scientific papers and articles stored in online databases. Consequently, a method for generating extended influence diagrams should be able to elicit knowledge from text-based sources. This paper proposes a method for knowledge elicitation from scientific texts, generating extended influence diagrams. This paper unfolds as follows: The extended influence diagram notation is presented in section 2. Next, the method for deriving extended influence diagrams with its process steps and rules is presented in section 3. Finally, section 4 presents the conclusions and discussion.