Hinge axis location on the articulator.

Experiments were undertaken to determine the accuracy of hinge axis location using clinical methods on articulator. Errors were found to occur up to an area 2.4 mm in diameter, but most of results were more accurate than this. Results were better with an opening in the anterior region of the articulator of 15 mm rather than 10 mm. It would appear that better results could be obtained using a microdot pattern flag rather than a plain record blank to determine the rotation center. The first experiment gave good results, although only one participant had any previous experience of hinge axis location, and it is debatable whether or not this experience is necessary before satisfactory results can be obtained. The only statement which can really be made from these results concerning the value of previous experience is that with a plain flag, previous experience is more helpful for an articulator opening of 10 mm but not for an opening of 15 mm. The results of these experiments are in keeping with those of other investigators.