Compact Flip-Chip Interconnection 112-Gbit/s EADFB Laser Array Module With High Eye-Mask Margin

The first compact and high-performance optical transmitter using flip-chip interconnects has been developed for a 112-Gbit/s transceiver. The flip-chip interconnects provide lower crosstalk and a higher modulation bandwidth than wire interconnects. The flip-chip interconnection module has 3-dB frequency bandwidths of over 30 GHz. This value is up to 5 GHz better than that of a wire interconnection module. Under four-channel simultaneous operation, the OTU4 mask margins for all four lanes of the flip-chip interconnection module exceed 37%. These values are degraded up to only 4% compared with those for single-channel operation. In addition, an error-free transmission through 10 km of single-mode fiber at 112 Gbit/s is demonstrated.