Comments on "Lateralization and the binaural masking-level difference" [G. B. Henning, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 55, 1259-1263 (1974)].
Henning [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 55, 1259–1263 (1974)] showed that certain complex waveforms can be lateralized on the basis of interaural temporal differences when the energy in the waveforms is confined to high‐frequency regions. However, when the high‐frequency waveforms are presented in a background of noise, Henning showed that their detection is not dependent on interaural temporal differences. In the present demonstration experiment these high‐frequency waveforms were not as easily lateralized with a noise background as were low‐frequency stimuli. This result is consistent with an assumption that lateralization and binaural detection of complex waveforms are not essentially different.Subject Classification: 65.62, 65.60, 65.58.