기하위상 정보기반의 DT 거리 매칭을 이용한 영상 모자익

treatment has already been applied, e.g. in [2]. There the energy loss dEi/dt was, however, modeled by a rate equation for the ionic temperature, instead of the detailed description based on the cooling force ~ Fμ for individual ions as given by Eqs.(1) and (2). Using this model we considered the case of bare Uranium, for an initial (t = 0) ion distribution of 500 ions which represents the ensemble of about 10 ions in the trap and which was obtained from a simulation of the injection into HITRAP [4]. For the cooling force ~ F in Eq. (1) we employed here a linear response expression for strong magnetic fields, see [5]. Since the ions are only cooled when traveling through the electrons, the cooling force ~ F was multiplied by a factor 0.4 (extension of the electron cloud/effective trap length). Fig. 1 shows the time evolution of 〈Ei〉, Te and 〈PRR〉 together with some snapshots of the energy