Development of Internet algorithms and some calculations of power plant COP
The authors have analyzed Internet resources containing information on some thermodynamic properties of technically important substances (the water, the air etc.). There are considered databases those possess such resources and are hosted in organizations (Joint Institute for High Temperatures (Russian Academy of Sciences), Standartinform (Russia), National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA), Institute for Thermal Physics (Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences), etc.). Currently, a typical form is an Internet resource that includes a text file, for example, it is a file containing tabulated properties, R = (ρ, s, h...), here ρ – the density, s – the entropy, h – the enthalpy of a substance. It is known a small number of Internet resources those have the following characteristic. The resource allows a customer to realize a number of options, for example: i) to enter the input data, Y = (p, T), here p - the pressure, T – the temperature, ii) to calculate R property using "an exe-file" program, iii) to copy the result X = (p, T, ρ, h, s, ...). Recently, some researchers (including the authors of this report) have requested a software (SW) that is designed for R property calculations and has a form of an open interactive (OI) Internet resource ("a client function", "template"). A computing part of OI resource is linked: 1) with a formula, which is applied to calculate R property, 2) with a Mathcad program, Code_1(R,Y). An interactive part of OI resource is based on Informatics and Internet technologies. We have proposed some methods and tools those are related to this part and let us: a) to post OI resource on a remote server, b) to link a client PC with the remote server, c) to implement a number of options to clients. Among these options, there are: i) to calculate R property at given Y arguments, ii) to copy mathematical formulas, iii) to copy Code_1(R,Y) as a whole. We have developed some OI – resources those are focused on sharing: a) SW that is used to design power plants, for an example, Code - GTP_1(Z,R,Y) and b) client functions those are aimed to determine R properties of the working fluid at fixed points of the thermodynamic cycle. The program let us calculate energy criteria, Z, including the internal coefficient of performance (COP) for a power plant. We have discussed OI resources, among them OI resource that includes Code - GTP_1(Z,R,Y) and connected with a complex power plant included: i) several gas turbines, i) several compressors etc.