Building Secure and Reliable Network Applications [Book Review]

[1]  Eliot B. Moss,et al.  Nested Transactions and Reliable Distributed Computing , 1982 .

[2]  Silvano Maffeis,et al.  Adding Group Communication and Fault-Tolerance to CORBA , 1995, COOTS.

[3]  David E. Culler,et al.  A case for NOW (networks of workstation) , 1995, PODC '95.

[4]  Van Jacobson,et al.  Compressing TCP/IP Headers for Low-Speed Serial Links , 1990, RFC.

[5]  Henri E. Bal,et al.  Orca: A Language For Parallel Programming of Distributed Systems , 1992, IEEE Trans. Software Eng..

[6]  V. Jacobson Congestion avoidance and control , 1988, CCRV.

[7]  Brian N. Bershad,et al.  Lightweight remote procedure call , 1989, TOCS.

[8]  Brian A. Coan,et al.  Limitations on database availability when networks partition , 1986, PODC '86.

[9]  David L. Presotto,et al.  Publishing: a reliable broadcast communication mechanism , 1983, SOSP '83.

[10]  Richard A. Golding,et al.  Weak-consistency group communication and membership , 1992 .

[11]  Roy Friedman,et al.  Using Group Communication Technology to Implement a Reliable andScalable Distributed IN Coprocessor , 1996 .

[12]  Torsten Braun,et al.  Protocol implementation using integrated layer processing , 1995, SIGCOMM '95.

[13]  Brian N. Bershad,et al.  Scheduler activations: effective kernel support for the user-level management of parallelism , 1991, TOCS.

[14]  Authentication in distributed systems: theory and practice , 1991, TOCS.

[15]  Michael K. Reiter,et al.  Integrating security in a group oriented distributed system , 1992, Proceedings 1992 IEEE Computer Society Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy.

[16]  Dag Johansen,et al.  Performance experiments with the Storm View Distributed Parallel Volume Renderer. , 1995 .

[17]  André Schiper,et al.  Uniform actions in asynchronous distributed systems , 1994, PODC '94.

[18]  Robert H. Thomas,et al.  The Architecture of the Cronus Distributed Operating System , 1986, IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[19]  John S. Heidemann,et al.  Performance of cache coherence in stackable filing , 1995, SOSP.

[20]  Kenneth P. Birman,et al.  Designing application software in wide area network settings , 1990, EW 4.

[21]  Randy H. Katz,et al.  A case for redundant arrays of inexpensive disks (RAID) , 1988, SIGMOD '88.

[22]  Andrew R. Cherenson,et al.  The Sprite network operating system , 1988, Computer.

[23]  John T. Kohl,et al.  The Zephyr Notification Service , 1988, USENIX Winter.

[24]  Mahadev Satyanarayanan,et al.  An empirical study of a wide-area distributed file system , 1996, TOCS.

[25]  Robert H. Thomas,et al.  A Majority consensus approach to concurrency control for multiple copy databases , 1979, ACM Trans. Database Syst..

[26]  André Schiper,et al.  A New Algorithm to Implement Causal Ordering , 1989, WDAG.

[27]  Todd Montgomery,et al.  The reliable multicast protocol application programming interface , 1995 .

[28]  Kenneth P. Birman,et al.  Deceit: a flexible distributed file system , 1990, [1990] Proceedings. Workshop on the Management of Replicated Data.

[29]  Keith Marzullo,et al.  Tools for Monitoring and Controlling Distributed Applications. , 1991 .

[30]  W. Timothy Strayer,et al.  An Object-Oriented Implementation of the Xpress Transfer Protocol , 1994, IWACA.

[31]  Mark D. Wood Fault-tolerant management of distributed applications using the reactive system architecture , 1992 .

[32]  Robbert van Renesse,et al.  Reliable Multicast between Micro-Kernels , 1992, USENIX Workshop on Microkernels and Other Kernel Architectures.

[33]  James A. Gosling,et al.  The java language environment: a white paper , 1995 .

[34]  Anna R. Karlin,et al.  Implementing global memory management in a workstation cluster , 1995, SOSP.

[35]  Wolfgang Graetsch,et al.  Fault tolerance under UNIX , 1989, TOCS.

[36]  Richard D. Schlichting,et al.  Fail-stop processors: an approach to designing fault-tolerant computing systems , 1983, TOCS.

[37]  Michael Husayn Kalantar Issues in ordered multicast performance: a simulation study , 1996 .

[38]  Fatal Defect: Chasing Killer Computer Bugs , 1995, SOEN.

[39]  Dale Skeen,et al.  Crash recovery in a distributed database system , 1982 .

[40]  Lawrence A. Rowe,et al.  A Continuous Media Player , 1992, NOSSDAV.

[41]  Robbert van Renesse,et al.  Amoeba A Distributed Operating System for the 1990 s Sape , 1990 .

[42]  Barbara Liskov,et al.  Implementation of Argus , 1987, SOSP '87.

[43]  Michael Williams,et al.  Replication in the harp file system , 1991, SOSP '91.

[44]  Aleta Ricciardi Impossibility of (repeated) reliable broadcast , 1996, PODC '96.

[45]  Kenneth P. Birman,et al.  Achieving Critical Reliability With Unreliable Components andUnreliable Glue , 1995 .

[46]  Robbert van Renesse,et al.  Horus: a flexible group communication system , 1996, CACM.

[47]  Shivakant Mishra,et al.  Experience with modularity in consul , 1993, Softw. Pract. Exp..

[48]  Kenneth P. Birman,et al.  Using process groups to implement failure detection in asynchronous environments , 1991, PODC '91.

[49]  Jeffrey C. Mogul,et al.  The packer filter: an efficient mechanism for user-level network code , 1987, SOSP '87.

[50]  Paulo Veríssimo,et al.  xAMp: a multi-primitive group communications service , 1992, [1992] Proceedings 11th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems.

[51]  Christoph Peter Malloth,et al.  Conception and implementation of a toolkit for building fault-tolerant distributed applications in large scale networks , 1996 .

[52]  Danny Dolev,et al.  The Transis approach to high availability cluster communication , 1996, CACM.

[53]  Jim Gray,et al.  A census of Tandem system availability between 1985 and 1990 , 1990 .

[54]  Kenneth P. Birman,et al.  Consistent Failure Reporting in Reliable Communication Systems , 1993 .

[55]  Robert B. Hagmann,et al.  Reimplementing the Cedar file system using logging and group commit , 1987, SOSP '87.

[56]  Louise E. Moser,et al.  Broadcast Protocols for Distributed Systems , 1990, IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst..

[57]  Brian N. Bershad,et al.  Extensibility safety and performance in the SPIN operating system , 1995, SOSP.

[58]  Yair Amir,et al.  A Highly Available Application in the Transis Environment , 1993, Hardware and Software Architectures for Fault Tolerance.

[59]  Steven M. Bellovin,et al.  Limitations of the Kerberos authentication system , 1990, CCRV.

[60]  M.E. Hellman,et al.  Privacy and authentication: An introduction to cryptography , 1979, Proceedings of the IEEE.

[61]  David Chaum,et al.  Untraceable electronic mail, return addresses, and digital pseudonyms , 1981, CACM.

[62]  Alfred C. Weaver,et al.  The Multidriver: a reliable multicast service using the Xpress transfer protocol , 1990, [1990] Proceedings. 15th Conference on Local Computer Networks.

[63]  Andy Hopper,et al.  Handling audio and video streams in a distributed environment , 1993, SOSP '93.

[64]  Alexander Siegel Performance in flexible distributed file systems , 1992 .

[65]  John B. Carter,et al.  Efficient distributed shared memory based on multi-protocol release consistency , 1995 .

[66]  André Schiper,et al.  Uniform Actions in Asynchronous Distributed Systems (Extended Abstract). , 1994, PODC 1994.

[67]  Robbert van Renesse,et al.  Reliable Distributed Computing with the Isis Toolkit , 1994 .

[68]  Leslie Lamport,et al.  Distributed snapshots: determining global states of distributed systems , 1985, TOCS.

[69]  Dorothy E. Denning,et al.  Programming Techniques and Data Structures Digital Signatures with Rsa and Other Public.key , 2022 .

[70]  Guerney Douglass Holloway Hunt Multicast flow control on local area networks , 1995 .

[71]  Ozalp Babaoglu,et al.  Almost) No Cost Clock Synchronization , 1986 .

[72]  Flaviu Cristian,et al.  Atomic Broadcast in a Real-Time Environment , 1986, Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing.

[73]  David K. Gifford,et al.  Weighted voting for replicated data , 1979, SOSP '79.

[74]  Hector Garcia-Molina,et al.  Ordered and reliable multicast communication , 1991, TOCS.

[75]  S. Tax The Fox Project , 1958 .

[76]  Nancy A. Lynch,et al.  An Overview of Clock Synchronization , 1986, Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing.

[77]  Frank B. Schmuck,et al.  Agreeing on Processor Group Membership in Timed Asynchronous Distributed Systems , 1995 .

[78]  Robin Milner,et al.  Definition of standard ML , 1990 .

[79]  Baruch Awerbuch,et al.  Efficient and Reliable Broadcast is Achievable in an Eventually Connected Network. , 1984, ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing.

[80]  Aleta Marie Ricciardi,et al.  The Group Membership Problem in Asynchronous Systems , 1993 .

[81]  Brian A. Coan,et al.  Agreeing on a Leader in Real-Time. , 1990, RTSS 1990.

[82]  Keith Marzullo,et al.  Maintaining the time in a distributed system , 1985, OPSR.

[83]  Richard A. Golding,et al.  The HP AutoRAID hierarchical storage system , 1996, TOCS.

[84]  W. Wayt Gibbs,et al.  Software's Chronic Crisis , 1994 .

[85]  Kenneth P. Birman,et al.  Reliable communication in the presence of failures , 1987, TOCS.

[86]  Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,et al.  Newtop: A Total Order Multicast Protocal Using Causal Blocks , 1993 .

[87]  Kenneth P. Birman,et al.  Tools for distributed application management , 1991, Computer.

[88]  Ramesh Govindan,et al.  Scheduling and IPC mechanisms for continuous media , 1991, SOSP '91.

[89]  Gil Neiger A new look at membership services (extended abstract) , 1996, PODC '96.

[90]  Craig Partridge,et al.  A faster UDP , 1993, TNET.

[91]  Paul Hudak,et al.  Memory coherence in shared virtual memory systems , 1989, TOCS.

[92]  B. Liskov,et al.  Lazy replication: exploiting the semantics of distributed services , 1991, EW 4.

[93]  Willy Zwaenepoel,et al.  Distributed process groups in the V Kernel , 1985, TOCS.

[94]  Andrew Birrell,et al.  Implementing Remote procedure calls , 1983, SOSP '83.

[95]  Paulo Veríssimo,et al.  A posteriori agreement for fault-tolerant clock synchronization on broadcast networks , 1992, [1992] Digest of Papers. FTCS-22: The Twenty-Second International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing.

[96]  K. Cho,et al.  A group communication approach for mobile computing , 1994, Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications.

[97]  Paulo Veríssimo,et al.  Real-time communication , 1993 .

[98]  Michael K. Reiter,et al.  Distributing trust with the Rampart toolkit , 1996, CACM.

[99]  Hermann Kopetz,et al.  Clock Synchronization in Distributed Real-Time Systems , 1987, IEEE Transactions on Computers.

[100]  Bernadette Charron-Bost,et al.  On the impossibility of group membership , 1996, PODC '96.

[101]  Helen Custer,et al.  Inside Windows NT , 1992 .

[102]  P. Venkat Rangan,et al.  Designing file systems for digital video and audio , 1991, SOSP '91.

[103]  Kirk L. Johnson,et al.  CRL: high-performance all-software distributed shared memory , 1995, SOSP.

[104]  David A. Cooper,et al.  The design and implementation of a private message service for mobile computers , 1995, Wirel. Networks.

[105]  David P. Reed,et al.  Synchronization with eventcounts and sequencers , 1979, CACM.

[106]  Moti Yung,et al.  Multi-receiver/multi-sender network security: efficient authenticated multicast/feedback , 1992, [Proceedings] IEEE INFOCOM '92: The Conference on Computer Communications.

[107]  Robert Wahbe,et al.  Efficient software-based fault isolation , 1994, SOSP '93.

[108]  Jim Griffioen,et al.  A New Design for Distributed Systems: The Remote Memory Model , 1990, USENIX Summer.

[109]  Sriram Sankar,et al.  Exploiting locality in maintaining potential causality , 1991, PODC '91.

[110]  J. Hennessy,et al.  Estimating the Performance Advantages of Relaxing Consistency in a Shared Memory Multiprocessor , 1990, ICPP.

[111]  Flaviu Cristian,et al.  Fault-tolerance in the Advanced Automation System , 1990, [1990] Digest of Papers. Fault-Tolerant Computing: 20th International Symposium.

[112]  Fred B. Schneider,et al.  Hypervisor-based fault tolerance , 1996, TOCS.

[113]  Jerome H. Saltzer,et al.  End-to-end arguments in system design , 1984, TOCS.

[114]  Roy Friedman,et al.  Strong and weak virtual synchrony in Horus , 1996, Proceedings 15th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems.

[115]  Kenneth P. Birman,et al.  Exploiting virtual synchrony in distributed systems , 1987, SOSP '87.

[116]  Lorenzo Alvisi,et al.  Message logging: pessimistic, optimistic, and causal , 1995, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[117]  Mary Baker,et al.  Measurements of a distributed file system , 1991, SOSP '91.

[118]  Dale Skeen,et al.  A Quorum-Based Commit Protocol , 1982, Berkeley Workshop.

[119]  Robbert van Renesse Why bother with CATOCS? , 1994, OPSR.

[120]  Leslie Lamport,et al.  Time, clocks, and the ordering of events in a distributed system , 1978, CACM.

[121]  ZHANGLi-xia,et al.  A reliable multicast framework for light-weight sessions and application level framing , 1995 .

[122]  Özalp Babaoglu,et al.  Streets of Byzantium: Network Architectures for Fast Reliable Broadcasts , 1985, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

[123]  Andrew A. Chien,et al.  Software overhead in messaging layers: where does the time go? , 1994, ASPLOS VI.

[124]  Roy Friedman,et al.  Packing messages as a tool for boosting the performance of total ordering protocols , 1997, Proceedings. The Sixth IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (Cat. No.97TB100183).

[125]  John K. Ousterhout,et al.  Why Aren't Operating Systems Getting Faster As Fast as Hardware? , 1990, USENIX Summer.

[126]  Butler W. Lampson,et al.  Designing a global name service , 1986, PODC '86.

[127]  Robbert van Renesse,et al.  Causal controversy at Le Mont St.-Michel , 1993, OPSR.

[128]  T. C. Bache,et al.  The Intelligent Monitoring System , 1990 .

[129]  Alfred C. Weaver,et al.  Xtp: The Xpress Transfer Protocol , 1992 .

[130]  Robbert van Renesse,et al.  The performance of the Amoeba distributed operating system , 1989, Softw. Pract. Exp..

[131]  Idit Keidar,et al.  Increasing the resilience of atomic commit, at no additional cost , 1995, PODS '95.

[132]  Roy Friedman,et al.  A framework for protocol composition in Horus , 1995, PODC '95.

[133]  Flaviu Cristian,et al.  Synchronous and Asynchronous Group Communication. , 1996 .

[134]  Barbara Liskov,et al.  Highly available distributed services and fault-tolerant distributed garbage collection , 1986, PODC '86.

[135]  Fred B. Schneider,et al.  The primary-backup approach , 1993 .

[136]  B. Pittel On spreading a rumor , 1987 .

[137]  André Schiper,et al.  Lightweight causal and atomic group multicast , 1991, TOCS.

[138]  Elaine F. Geddes The Private Investigator and the Right to Privacy , 1969 .

[139]  Andreas Reuter,et al.  Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques , 1992 .

[140]  Gregory R. Andrews,et al.  Concurrent programming - principles and practice , 1991 .

[141]  John A. Kunze,et al.  A trace-driven analysis of the UNIX 4.2 BSD file system , 1985, SOSP '85.

[142]  Daniel P. Siewiorek,et al.  High-availability computer systems , 1991, Computer.

[143]  Michael Burrows,et al.  Performance of Firefly RPC , 1990, ACM Trans. Comput. Syst..

[144]  Kenneth P. Birman,et al.  The process group approach to reliable distributed computing , 1992, CACM.

[145]  Larry L. Peterson,et al.  Fbufs: a high-bandwidth cross-domain transfer facility , 1994, SOSP '93.

[146]  Randy H. Katz,et al.  RAID: High-performance reliable secondary memory , 1994 .

[147]  Emmanuelle Anceaume,et al.  On the Formal Specification of Group Membership Services , 1994 .

[148]  Noga Alon,et al.  On Disseminating Information Reliably without Broadcasting , 1987, ICDCS.

[149]  Edoardo Biagioni A structured TCP in standard ML. , 1994, SIGCOMM 1994.

[150]  David R. Cheriton,et al.  Logged virtual memory , 1995, SOSP.

[151]  Bernadette Charron-Bost,et al.  Concerning the Size of Logical Clocks in Distributed Systems , 1991, Inf. Process. Lett..

[152]  Mahadev Satyanarayanan,et al.  Disconnected Operation in the Coda File System , 1999, Mobidata.

[153]  Michael B. Jones,et al.  Interposition agents: transparently interposing user code at the system interface , 1994, SOSP '93.

[154]  Dan Hildebrand,et al.  An Architectural Overview of QNX , 1992, USENIX Workshop on Microkernels and Other Kernel Architectures.

[155]  Larry L. Peterson,et al.  Increasing network throughput by integrating protocol layers , 1993, TNET.

[156]  José Legatheaux Martins,et al.  The CHORUS Distributed Operating System: Some Design Issues , 1987 .

[157]  José M. Bernabéu-Aubán,et al.  Solaris MC: A Multi Computer OS , 1996, USENIX Annual Technical Conference.

[158]  P. M. Melliar-Smith,et al.  Synchronizing clocks in the presence of faults , 1985, JACM.

[159]  Robbert van Renesse,et al.  Light-weight process groups in the Isis system , 1993, Distributed Syst. Eng..

[160]  Kenneth P. Birman,et al.  A response to Cheriton and Skeen's criticism of causal and totally ordered communication , 1994, OPSR.

[161]  Nancy A. Lynch,et al.  Discarding Obsolete Information in a Replicated Database System , 1987, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

[162]  Maurice Herlihy,et al.  How to Make Replicated Data Secure , 1987, CRYPTO.

[163]  Louise E. Moser,et al.  Trans: a reliable broadcast protocol , 1993 .

[164]  Hector Garcia-Molina,et al.  Consistency in a partitioned network: a survey , 1985, CSUR.

[165]  Larry L. Peterson,et al.  Preserving Context Information in an IPC Abstraction , 1987, SRDS.

[166]  Rachid Guerraoui,et al.  "Gamma-Accurate" Failure Detectors , 1996, WDAG.

[167]  Henry M. Levy,et al.  Limits to low-latency communication on high-speed networks , 1993, TOCS.

[168]  Ozalp Babaoglu,et al.  Consistent global states of distributed systems: fundamental concepts and mechanisms , 1993 .

[169]  Sam Toueg,et al.  Time and Message Efficient Reliable Broadcasts , 1990, WDAG.

[170]  Jeanna Neefe Matthews,et al.  Serverless network file systems , 1996, TOCS.

[171]  Jeffrey I. Schiller,et al.  An Authentication Service for Open Network Systems. In , 1998 .

[172]  Margo I. Seltzer Transaction support in a log-structured file system , 1993, Proceedings of IEEE 9th International Conference on Data Engineering.

[173]  R. V. Renesse,et al.  Implementing distributed algorithms using remote procedure calls , 1987 .

[174]  RICHARD KOO,et al.  Checkpointing and Rollback-Recovery for Distributed Systems , 1986, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

[175]  Dimiter R. Avresky,et al.  Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems , 1998, Springer US.

[176]  Maurice Herlihy,et al.  Linearizability: a correctness condition for concurrent objects , 1990, TOPL.

[177]  Paulo Veríssimo,et al.  Real time and dependability concepts , 1993 .

[178]  Fred B. Schneider,et al.  Byzantine generals in action: implementing fail-stop processors , 1984, TOCS.

[179]  Fred B. Schneider,et al.  Synchronization in Distributed Programs , 1982, TOPL.

[180]  Danny Dolev,et al.  A Framework for Partitionable Membership Service (Abstract). , 1996, PODC 1996.

[181]  Bruce Walker,et al.  The LOCUS distributed operating system , 1983, SOSP '83.

[182]  Anoop Gupta,et al.  Memory consistency and event ordering in scalable shared-memory multiprocessors , 1990, [1990] Proceedings. The 17th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture.

[183]  Dhiraj K. Pradhan,et al.  Fault-tolerant computer system design , 1996 .

[184]  Flaviu Cristian,et al.  Atomic Broadcast: From Simple Message Diffusion to Byzantine Agreement , 1995, Inf. Comput..

[185]  Robbert van Renesse,et al.  Performance of the world's fastest distributed operating system , 1988, OPSR.

[186]  Michael K. Reiter,et al.  Secure agreement protocols: reliable and atomic group multicast in rampart , 1994, CCS '94.

[187]  Dennis Shasha,et al.  The many faces of consensus in distributed systems , 1992, Computer.

[188]  Michael R. Lyu Software Fault Tolerance , 1995 .

[189]  Whitfield Diffie The first ten years of public-key cryptography , 1988 .

[190]  Richard E. Schantz,et al.  Programming Support in the Cronus Distributed Operating System , 1986, IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[191]  Gil Neiger,et al.  Causal Memory , 1991, WDAG.

[192]  Leslie Lamport,et al.  Using Time Instead of Timeout for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems. , 1984, TOPL.

[193]  Mark D. Wood Replicated RPC using Amoeba closed group communication , 1993, [1993] Proceedings. The 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[194]  Dennis M. Ritchie,et al.  A stream input-output system , 1990 .

[195]  Yvo Desmedt,et al.  Society and Group Oriented Cryptography: A New Concept , 1987, CRYPTO.

[196]  Robbert van Renesse,et al.  An introduction to the TACOMA distributed system. Version 1.0 , 1995 .

[197]  Michael N. Nelson,et al.  Caching in the Sprite network file system , 1988, TOCS.

[198]  Frank B. Schmuck,et al.  Experience with transactions in QuickSilver , 1991, SOSP '91.

[199]  André Schiper,et al.  Uniform reliable multicast in a virtually synchronous environment , 1993, [1993] Proceedings. The 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[200]  Anoop Gupta,et al.  The Stanford Dash multiprocessor , 1992, Computer.

[201]  John H. Hartman,et al.  The Zebra striped network file system , 1995, TOCS.

[202]  Hermann Kopetz,et al.  Sparse time versus dense time in distributed real-time systems , 1992, [1992] Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[203]  Roy Friedman,et al.  Deciding in Partitionable Networks , 1995 .

[204]  Louise E. Moser,et al.  Totem: a fault-tolerant multicast group communication system , 1996, CACM.

[205]  Keith Marzullo,et al.  Tolerating failures of continuous-valued sensors , 1990, TOCS.

[206]  Hermann Kopetz,et al.  The real-time operating system of MARS , 1989, OPSR.

[207]  Jim Gray,et al.  Fault Tolerance in Tandem Computer Systems , 1987 .

[208]  André Schiper,et al.  From group communication to transactions in distributed systems , 1996, CACM.

[209]  Özalp Babaoglu,et al.  RELACS: A communications infrastructure for constructing reliable applications in large-scale distributed systems , 1995, Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

[210]  Larry L. Peterson,et al.  RPC in the x-Kernel: evaluating new design techniques , 1989, SOSP '89.

[211]  Mendel Rosenblum,et al.  The design and implementation of a log-structured file system , 1991, SOSP '91.

[212]  Robbert van Renesse,et al.  Operating system support for mobile agents , 1995, Proceedings 5th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS-V).

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[216]  Alan L. Cox,et al.  Lazy release consistency for software distributed shared memory , 1992, ISCA '92.

[217]  Louise E. Moser,et al.  Extended virtual synchrony , 1994, 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[218]  Roy T. Fielding,et al.  Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.0 , 1996, RFC.

[219]  Barbara Liskov,et al.  Practical uses of synchronized clocks in distributed systems , 1991, PODC '91.

[220]  Stephen T. Kent,et al.  Security Mechanisms in High-Level Network Protocols , 1983, CSUR.

[221]  Stephen E. Deering,et al.  Multicast routing in datagram internetworks and extended LANs , 1990, TOCS.

[222]  Louise E. Moser,et al.  Processor Membership in Asynchronous Distributed Systems , 1994, IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst..

[223]  Stephen E. Deering,et al.  Multicast routing in internetworks and extended LANs , 1988, SIGCOMM '88.

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[225]  Adi Shamir,et al.  A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems , 1978, CACM.

[226]  Michael K. Reiter,et al.  How to securely replicate services , 1992, TOPL.

[227]  Peter Lee,et al.  Standard ML Signatures for a Protocol Stack , 1993 .

[228]  Robbert van Renesse,et al.  Supporting broad internet access to TACOMA , 1996, EW 7.

[229]  Roger M. Needham,et al.  Using encryption for authentication in large networks of computers , 1978, CACM.

[230]  Tim Berners-Lee,et al.  The World-Wide Web , 1992, CACM.

[231]  José Rufino,et al.  A low-level processor group membership protocol for LANs , 1993, [1993] Proceedings. The 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[232]  Shivakant Mishra,et al.  A Membership Protocol Based on Partial Order , 1992 .

[233]  John S. Heidemann,et al.  File-system development with stackable layers , 1994, TOCS.

[234]  Dale Skeen,et al.  The Information Bus: an architecture for extensible distributed systems , 1994, SOSP '93.

[235]  Yair Amir,et al.  Replication using group communication over a partitioned network (שכפול באמצעות תקשרת קבוצות מעל רשת דינמית.) , 1995 .

[236]  John S. Heidemann,et al.  Resolving File Conflicts in the Ficus File System , 1994, USENIX Summer.

[237]  Michael O. Rabin,et al.  Randomized byzantine generals , 1983, 24th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (sfcs 1983).

[238]  Robert Cooper Experience with causally and totally ordered communication support: a cautionary tale , 1994, OPSR.

[239]  Dawson R. Engler,et al.  Exokernel: an operating system architecture for application-level resource management , 1995, SOSP.

[240]  Mahadev Satyanarayanan,et al.  Integrating security in a large distributed system , 1989, TOCS.

[241]  Flaviu Cristian,et al.  Understanding fault-tolerant distributed systems , 1991, CACM.

[242]  Newtop: a fault-tolerant group communication protocol , 1995, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[243]  Maria Ebling,et al.  Exploiting weak connectivity for mobile file access , 1995, SOSP.

[244]  Anupam Bhide,et al.  A Highly Available Network File Server , 1991, USENIX Winter.

[245]  Paulo Veríssimo,et al.  Causal separators for large-scale multicast communication , 1995, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[246]  Michael Stonebraker,et al.  Operating system support for database management , 1981, CACM.

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