Path unaware layered routing protocol (PULRP) with non-uniform node distribution for underwater sensor networks

We propose path unaware layered routing protocol (PULRP) for 2D underwater sensor networks (UWSNs) with mobile nodes. The steady-state distribution of mobile nodes in UWSNs is nonuniform in general. Hence, we use a mobility model-dependent node distribution. The proposed PULRP algorithm consists of two phases. In the first phase (layering phase), a layering structure is presented which is a set of concentric circles, around a sink node. The radii of the concentric circles are chosen based on equal distribution of nodes in every layer. A distributed power control mechanism is also introduced. The power level of nodes in a particular layer is chosen such that communication occurs only with nodes in the next layer. In PULRP, we consider multihop communication from source to sink. Therefore, in the second phase (communication phase), we propose a method to choose the intermediate relay nodes and an on the fly routing algorithm for packet delivery from source node to sink node across the chosen relay nodes. The proposed algorithm, PULRP finds the routing path on the fly and hence, it does not require any fixed routing table, localization, or time synchronization processes. We demonstrate the performance of PULRP using random waypoint (RWP) mobility model in a simulated underwater environment. Our findings show that the proposed algorithm has considerably better throughput (successful packet delivery rate) compared to the underwater diffusion (UWD) algorithm for various node densities as well as node velocities. In addition, the delay performance of PULRP is also better than that of UWD. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. A preliminary version of this work has been accepted for publication at the IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC-2008, Beijing [1].

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