A Method to Evaluate the Power Dispatching Potential of Energy Intensive Steel Enterprises

Traditionally, the increasing contradiction between power supply and demand was relieved relying on the increase of the installed generation capacity and the upgrade of the power networks. This is time-consuming and costly, especially to meet the load during peak hours. Therefore, the demand side flexible load control is getting more and more attentions in the power industry. As a kind of large scale industry with high energy consumption, the steel enterprise has a complex internal structure of energy supply and consumption, with the coupling characteristics between various energy forms. Thus, to achieve friendly interaction between the power system and large users like steel plants, there is a significant value to further study on the dispatching potential of these industries with complex energy users. Such that the power grid company can make proper demand response mechanism to stimulate these kind of plants to participate. Based on analyzing the adjustable and coupling characteristics of the internal energy supply and consumption system in a normal steel enterprise, a method to evaluate the power dispatching potential of it is proposed, considering the uncertain running states of selfsupplied power plant and energy-consuming equipment, with the objective function to reduce the maximum externally purchased load of the industry. Numerical analysis shows that the steel enterprise has a great peak-load cut potential.