Archaeology is a science that is based on perception and similarity comparisons and thus 3D content based retrieval can be used as a research tool. In this paper, we present a descriptor which can be used for content based retrieval of 3D pottery. The descriptor carries morphological features which are extracted from a set of sequential plane-based contours which are vertical to the vessel’s axis of symmetry. The feature extraction is performed after the completion of a pre-processing phase, which involves scale and pose normalisation of the vessel. The latter is a recursive algorithm that takes advantage of the rotational symmetry property found in vessels. We developed a software tool that implements the above and we performed initial testing on vessel’s main body shape matching using a 3D vessel database composed by both manually modelled and digitised 3D artefacts.
Yan Cao.
Geometric Structure Estimation of Axially Symmetric Pots from Small Fragments
Hubert Mara,et al.
Orientation of Fragments of Rotationally Symmetrical 3D-Shapes for Archaeological Documentation
Third International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission (3DPVT'06).
Emo Welzl,et al.
Smallest enclosing disks (balls and ellipsoids)
New Results and New Trends in Computer Science.
K. Mania,et al.
SemanticArchaeo : A Symbolic Approach of Pottery Classification