Cross-Cultural Adaptation of e-Learning Contents: a Methodology

e-Learning, the way of teaching people through the Internet, is a global methodology. This definition implies that learners coming from different countries could attend the same e-Learning session. Culture has been shown as an important inductor for peoples` behaviours in different contexts, including learning. Cultural intelligence, as described by Earley and Mosakowski is a “seemingly natural ability to interpret someone’s unfamiliar and ambiguous gestures the way that person’s compatriots would”. In a precedent work, given this definition, we have proposed a new kind of system called Culturally AWAre System (CAWAS) that is centred on Culturally Intelligent Agents (CIA) i.e. agents that are able to understand and adapt to cultural specificities of learners. In this paper, we extend this research and present a methodology to adapt the content that will be displayed to a learner, according to their cultural profile.