China's Regulatory State: A New Strategy for Globalization

Professor Hsueh will discuss her new book, China’s Regulatory State: A New Strategy for Globalization (Cornell University Press, 2011). Today, China is governed by a new economic model that marks a radical break from the Mao and Deng eras. The new China departs fundamentally from that of the East Asian developmental state and its Communist past. But it is not a liberal economic model. How can China retain elements of a statist economic model when it has liberalized foreign direct investment more than any other major developing country in recent years? How can it retain state control over critical sectors and meet commitments made in its accession to the World Trade Organization? What does this mode of economic integration reveal about China’s state capacity and development strategy? In this seminar, Professor Hsueh will address these questions, arguing that China has complemented liberalization at the economy-wide level with selective reregulation at the sectoral level. This mode of economic integration contrasts with the manifestly different approaches to globalization found in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Professor Hsueh’s presentation will be followed by commentary on her book by Professor Yuhua Wang of the University of Pennsylvania Department of Political Science.