More on R-parity and lepton family number violating couplings from muon(ium) conversion, and tau and pi0 decays

We present a new class of constraints to the lepton-family-number- and R-parity-violating couplings from muonium conversion {mu}{sup {minus}}+{sub 22}{sup 48}Ti{r_arrow}e{sup {minus}}+{sub 22}{sup 48}Ti, a class of {tau} decays {tau}{r_arrow}l+ (light meson) with l={mu}ore, and J/{psi} and {pi}{sup 0} decays into a lepton pair. We find that {mu}{sup {minus}}+{sub 22}{sup 48}Ti{r_arrow}e{sup {minus}}+{sub 22}{sup 48}Ti provides one of the strongest constraints along with {Delta}m{sub K},{Delta}m{sub B}, {mu}{r_arrow}e{gamma}, and the neutrinoless double {beta} decay. The search for these lepton-family-number-violating decays forbidden in the standard model is clearly warranted in various low-energy experiments such as {tau}-charm factories and PSI, etc. {copyright} {ital 1997} {ital The American Physical Society}