Cortical tension regulates Hippo signaling via Par-1-mediated Kibra degradation

The Hippo pathway is an evolutionarily conserved regulator of tissue growth. Multiple Hippo signaling components are regulated via proteolytic degradation. However, how these degradation mechanisms are themselves modulated remains unexplored. Kibra is a key upstream pathway activator that promotes its own ubiquitin-mediated degradation upon assembling a Hippo signaling complex. Here, we demonstrate that Hippo complex-dependent Kibra degradation is modulated by cortical tension. Using classical genetic, osmotic, and pharmacological manipulations of myosin activity and cortical tension, we show that increasing cortical tension leads to Kibra degradation, whereas decreasing cortical tension increases Kibra abundance. Our study also implicates Par-1 in regulating Kib abundance downstream of cortical tension. We demonstrate that Par-1 promotes ubiquitin-mediated Kib degradation in a Hippo complex-dependent manner and is required for tension-induced Kib degradation. Collectively, our results reveal a previously unknown molecular mechanism by which cortical tension affects Hippo signaling and provide novel insights into the role of mechanical forces in growth control.

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