Marine and biomass burning aerosols in the southern Indian Ocean: Retrieval of aerosol optical properties from shipborne lidar and Sun photometer measurements

We document aerosol extinction properties in the southern Indian Ocean. A unique data set of shipborne measurements has been collected with a dual Rayleigh-Mie lidar aboard the research vessel Marion Dufresne during two campaigns: one around Madagascar during the Southern Hemisphere late summer and one close to the Kerguelen Islands during the biomass burning (BB) season. During this latter, a layer containing a mix of BB and marine aerosols extending up to ∼3 km above mean sea level (amsl) has been observed from [31°S, 69°E] to [24°S, 59°E]. Both vertical structure and aerosol optical properties have been retrieved from the inversion of the lidar signals. Sun photometer-derived aerosol optical thickness (AOT) at 355 nm is used to constrain the lidar inversion. We obtain a mean integrated value of backscatter-to-extinction ratio (BER) (extinction-to-backscatter ratio, or so-called lidar ratio, LR) of 0.039 ± 0.009 sr−1 (26 ± 6 sr) and 0.021 ± 0.006 sr−1 (48 ± 12 sr) for the marine aerosols layer, and for the mixing between BB and marine aerosols with an uncertainty of 0.009 sr−1 (6 sr) and 0.004 sr−1 (9 sr), respectively. Lidar calibration is used to inverse data without any simultaneous Sun photometer measurements (as nighttime data), and the temporal evolution of the optical properties and vertical extension of the BB aerosol plume is documented. The presence of BB aerosols is in agreement with Lagrangian model GIRAFE v3 (reGIonal ReAl time Fire plumEs) simulations, which show the South American and Southern African BB origin of the encountered aerosol layer.

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