SILHI (High Intensity Light Ion Source) is an ECR ion source developed to produce high intensity proton and deuteron beams for the IPHI project (Injector of Protons for High Intensity). It will soon be moved to the demonstrator site. The IPHI prototype is developed by a CEA/DSM – CNRS/IN2P3 collaboration for several applications based on the use of High Power Proton Accelerators. The aim of the source is to produce up to 100 mA cw beams at 95 keV at the RFQ matching point. SILHI has been producing intense beams since 1996 and different beam line diagnostics allow beam characterization. A new extraction system and new control system led to large improvements in term of intensity, beam line transmission, stability. More than 130 mA are now routinely produced at 95 keV. This article will report a summary of the proton beam analysis, in cw and pulsed modes, pointing out parameters such as reliability, emittance, beam noise, stability. Deuteron pulsed beams (135 mA-95 kV) were also produced in the framework of the CEA participation to the IFMIF project. The deuteron beam performance will also be presented.