Knowledge Management Success Factors – Proposal of an Empirical Research

It is widely accepted that knowledge management is a critical success factor for enterprises. Not yet known sufficiently are the factors, which influence the success of knowledge management in order to measure the effectiveness of knowledge management. This paper sets out a quantitative study to investigate these factors. Firstly, an overview of empirical work undertaken and the potential success factors is given. After this, the methodology of the study is described. Thereby the basics of structure equation modelling (SEM) are shown. The difference between structure and measurement model is depicted and different validity measures are described. Also two common and possible methods to evaluate a SEM, the co-variance analysis and the variance analysis are displayed. Thirdly a specific model is presented to use SEM in the context of knowledge management success. The model is based on the theory of planned behaviour and is adapted to the context of knowledge management success. Thereby knowledge management success is seen on an individual level, which means that successful knowledge management leads to a satisfying knowledge supply of the organisation member. Finally limitations of the work are discussed.

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