Quantum systems with finite Hilbert space: Galois fields in quantum mechanics

A 'Galois quantum system' in which the position and momentum take values in the Galois field GF(pl) is considered. It is comprised of l-component systems which are coupled in a particular way and is described by a certain class of Hamiltonians. Displacements in the GF(pl) × GF(pl) phase space and the corresponding Heisenberg–Weyl group are studied. Symplectic transformations are shown to form the Sp(2, GF(pl)) group. Wigner and Weyl functions are defined and their properties are studied. Frobenius symmetries, which are based on Frobenius automorphisms in the theory of Galois fields, are a unique feature of these systems (for l ≥ 2). If they commute with the Hamiltonian, there are constants of motion which are discussed. An analytic representation in the l-sheeted complex plane provides an elegant formalism that embodies the properties of Frobenius transformations. The difference between a Galois quantum system and other finite quantum systems where the position and momentum take values in the ring is discussed.

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