Capillary level imaging of local cerebral blood flow in bicuculline-induced epileptic foci

Local hemodynamics of the cerebral cortex is the basis of modern functional imaging techniques, such as fMRIand PET. Despite the importance of local regulation of the blood flow, capillary level quantification of cerebral blood flow has been limited by the spatial resolution of functional imaging techniques and the depth penetration of conventional optical microscopy. Two-photon laser scanning microscopic imaging technique has the necessary spatial resolution and can image capillaries in the depth of the cortex. We have loaded the serum with fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran and quantified the flow of red blood cells (RBCs) in capillaries in layers 2/3 of the mouse somatosensory cortex in vivo. Basal capillary flux was quantified as approximately 28.9+/-13.6 RBCs/s (n=50, mean+/-S.D.) under ketamine-xylazine anesthesia and 26.7+/-16.0 RBCs/s (n=31) under urethane anesthesia. Focal interictal (epileptiform) activity was induced by local infusion of bicuculline methochloride in the cortex. We have observed that capillary blood flow increased as the cortical local field events developed into epileptiform in the vicinity of GABA receptor blockade (<300 microm from the administration site). Local blood flow in the interictal focus increased significantly (42.5+/-18.5RBCs/s, n=52) relative to the control conditions or to blood flow measured in capillaries at distant (>1mm from the focus) sites from the epileptic focus (27.8+/-12.9 RBCs/s, n=30). These results show that hyper-synchronized neural activity is associated with increased capillary perfusion in a localized cortical area. This volume is significantly smaller than the currently available resolution of the fMRI signal.

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