Data stability of static random access memory (SRAM) circuits has become an important issue with the scaling of CMOS technology. Memory arrays are also important sources of leakage since the majority of transistors are utilized for on-chip memory in today's high performance microprocessors and systems-on-chips. The use of work-function engineering to control the threshold voltage of FinFETs is explored in this paper for achieving minimum sized multi-threshold-voltage (multi-Vt) six transistor (6T) SRAM cells with sufficient data stability and lower leakage power consumption characteristics. A work-function optimization methodology for designing low power and high speed memory circuits is presented. With the proposed multi-Vt design methodology based on gate work-function engineering, the leakage power is reduced by up to 65X as compared to a standard single low threshold voltage (single- low-Vt) SRAM circuit sized for similar data stability in a 32 nm FinFET technology.
E.J. Nowak,et al.
Turning silicon on its edge [double gate CMOS/FinFET technology]
IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine.
Pushkar Ranade,et al.
Work Function Engineering of Molybdenum Gate Electrodes by Nitrogen Implantation
Chenming Hu,et al.
An adjustable work function technology using Mo gate for CMOS devices
IEEE Electron Device Letters.
E. Seevinck,et al.
Static-noise margin analysis of MOS SRAM cells
Kok Wai Wong,et al.
Metal-gate FinFET and fully-depleted SOI devices using total gate silicidation
Digest. International Electron Devices Meeting,.