Enhancement of continuous operation performance of HVDC with self-commutated converter

This paper describes a converter control scheme to enhance continuous operation performance of HVDC system with voltage source type self commutated (SC) converter. The continuous operation of SC converter can be achieved by suppressing converter overcurrents and AC overvoltages in the case of AC line faults including phase failure. Development of a new control scheme has been accomplished by experiment using an AC/DC power system simulator in CRIEPI and the EMTP (Electro Magnetic Transients Program) analysis. At first, we show that converter overcurrents and AC overvoltages are caused by lack of control information to static limiter and insufficient control performance to negative-sequence current of SC converter. Next, an adequate converter control scheme is proposed which is composed of an ACR's (automatic current legulator) adjustable dynamic limiter to suppress the converter overcurrents, and the limit logic of SC converter to suppress AC overvoltages during phase failure.