Circadian variations in eleven radioimmunoassay variables in the serum of clinically healthy men.

Radioimmunoassay studies were conducted on 13 clinically healthy male subjects. Ten ranged in age between 23 and 44 years, two were age 51, and one was age 58. Blood samples were collected at 3-hr intervals over a period of 27 hr. Each serum sample was analyzed for the following hormones: insulin, gastrin, melatonin, prolactin, triiodothyronine (uptake), thyroid-stimulating hormone, triiodothyronine, thyroxine, luteinizing hormone, growth hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone. Group data for each hormone were fitted to a 24-hr cosine curve. A statistically significant fit to this curve was evident in the six italicized variables. Those that did not yield a statistically significant fit frequently revealed a statistically significant variation along the 27-hr span. Chronogram and cosinor plots are presented.