Urban land consolidation for metropolitan Jakarta expansion, 1990/2010

Abstract Urban land consolidation (LC) is an international technique for managing and financing the conversion of rural land to urban land, which can provide a number of advantages over the usual process of urban land development. It is now well established in Indonesia as the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs/National Land Agency (BPN — Badan Pertanahan Nasional) has undertaken 102 LC projects in 25 provinces since 1981. However, only three of these projects were in West Java Province to provide urban land for Jakarta's rapid expansion, and this omission should be corrected. The Metropolitan Jakarta Region population is projected to grow from 17 to 30 million during the 20-year period 1990–2010, with the urban area population growing from 13 to 27 million. This paper recommends the formulation of an LC programme to supply some of the urban land needed to accommodate this growth. The paper is presented in three parts. The first outlines the land and building development taking place around Jakarta. The second describes LC as an international technique and outlines the Indonesian experience with it, including case study information on a recent LC project in Medan and the lessons it provides. The third identifies the possible applications of LC in Metropolitan Jakarta and recommends the formulation of a programme of LC projects to increase the supply of urban land in the municipalities and regencies around Jakarta.