A Refinement of Cayley's Formula for Trees

A proper vertex of a rooted tree with totally ordered vertices is a vertex that is less than all its proper descendants. We count several kinds of labeled rooted trees and forests by the number of proper vertices. Our results are all expressed in terms of the polynomials P_n(a,b,c)= c(a+(n-1)b+c)(2a+(n-2)b+c)...((n-1)a+b+c) which reduce to (n+1)^{n-1} for a=b=c=1. Our study of proper vertices was motivated by A. Postnikov's hook length formula for binary trees (arXiv:math.CO/0507163), which was also proved by W. Y. C. Chen and L. L. M. Yang (arXiv:math.CO/0507163) and generalized by R. R. X. Du and F. Liu (arXiv:math.CO/0501147). Our approach gives a new proof of Du and Liu's results and gives new hook length formulas. We also find an interpretation of the polynomials P_n(a,b,c) in terms of parking functions: we count parking functions according to the number of cars that park in their preferred parking spaces.

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