[Chronic recurrent, locally destructive siliconomas after breast augmentation by liquid silicone oil].

At the beginning of the sixties the injection of liquid silicon oil was frequently used for breast augmentation. It was thought to be safe, simple and effective. But as complications such as local silconomas, inflammatory reactions, induration, foreign body extrusion and foreign body migration were published this procedure was not used anymore. We report about a 45-year-old female patient who suffered from late complications, chronic recurrent local destructive siliconomas, which have not been described in the literature yet. Because of the destruction forced by the primary silicone implant a bilateral subcutaneous mastectomy had to be performed and siliconomas were excised at regions different from the original injection site. Several breast reconstructions have been performed but this tissue has also been destroyed by the recurrent and aggressive siliconomas. As there can be a long period of latency before the aforementioned complications of liquid silicon injections can occur, we recommend careful follow-up for these patients.