Book Review: Digital and Analogue Electronics for HNC:

situations. One interesting example, is the involvement of an electrical engineer as an expert witness in a legal battle, when some pigs belonging to a farmer have died of suffocation, because a 240 V fan motor blew a fuse which cut off ventilation to the pigs. Did the circuit function properly? Another example looks at the loading on a domestic electrical system, when a PC and a hairdryer are operating at the same time. Although the main theme of this book is in the application of analytical methods, the reader is encouraged to make use of the PSPICE software package to solve problems which are contained in a PSPICE manual, which is provided as an extra for those adopting the text. Other extras are a solutions manual, (in two volumes), transparency masters and an instructor's 'Road Map' to help lecturers find their way around the text. The reviewer has used previous editions of this book and it can be said that the present edition is a further improvement on what is already a good textbook. Clearly a considerable amount of effort has been expended into making the book more approachable and more interesting to the reader. Although analytical techniques are discussed, engineering applications are referred to quite frequently hence holding the student's interest. This is one of several good books, intended for undergraduate courses on the analysis and design ofelectric circuits, and it is certainly worth serious consideration for adoption as a course text. M. S. WOOLFSON, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universicy of Nottingham