Sevan Particle Detector at Zagreb Astronomical Observatory: 10 Years of Operation

At the "Regional IHY (International Heliophysical Year) Planning Meeting for the Balkan and Black Sea Region", organized by Solar Terrestrial Influences Laboratory in Bulgaria 2005, the possibilities of new network of the Space Weather particle detectors designed by Armenian scientists were presented. Network is known today as SEVAN (Space Environment Viewing and Analysis Network). In December 2008 the installation of the SEVAN particle detector at Zagreb Astronomical Observatory was finished. It is the first instrument for detecting cosmic rays in Croatia and its installation greatly promotes solar physics research in our country. Here we present some results obtained from data collected by SEVAN particle detector at Zagreb Astronomical Observatory during first 10 years of operation. We calculated the barometric coefficients using two statistical methods (least square method and least absolute deviation method. Pressure corrected data is available on web page of the Zagreb observatory. Examples of solar modulation effects (Forbush decrease) and first evidence of registration of TGEs (Thunderstorm Ground Enhancements) are also given.