Meta-Analysis in Using Satellite Precipitation Products for Drought Monitoring: Lessons Learnt and Way Forward

In recent years, satellite precipitation products (SPPs) have emerged as an essential source of data and information. This work intends to summarize lessons learnt on using SPPs for drought monitoring and to propose ways forward in this field of research. A thorough literature review was conducted to review three aspects: effects of climate type, data record length, and time scale on SPPs performance. The conducted meta-analysis showed that the performance of SPPs for drought monitoring largely depends upon the climate type of the location and length of the data record. SPPs drought monitoring performance was shown to be higher in temperate and tropical climates than in dry and continental ones. SPPs were found to perform better with an increase in data record length. From a general standpoint, SPPs offer great potential for drought monitoring, but the performance of SPPs needs to be improved for operational purposes. The present study discusses blending SPPs with in situ data and other lessons learned, as well as future directions of using SPPs for drought applications.

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