DarknetSim: a simulation framework for social overlays

Social Overlays are a candidate solution to satisfy the increasing demand for privacy-preserving social applications. In Social Overlays, also called Darknets, direct communication only exists between participants sharing a real-world trust relationship. Existing solutions, such as Freenet and GnuNet, suffer from long delays and high message overhead. The development and evaluation of alternative solutions is drastically complicated by the lack of common models and evaluation methods. In this paper, we describe a general simulation framework for Darknets as well as our implementation of the most common routing approaches. The framework contains the basic functionalities of Social Overlays and is easily extensible to include a wide range of routing algorithms. Our implementation, based on OMNet++ and INET, proves to be highly scalable in comparison to simulation frameworks for structured Peer-to-Peer systems such as OverSim. We can easily simulate realistic network sizes of a hundred thousand nodes.

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