Analysis of a deep waveguide Bragg grating

Spectral properties of a very deep Bragg grating operating in a first diffraction order on a single-mode planar waveguide have been studied theoretically. It is shown that the scattering loss can be low (a few percent), the reflectivity very high (over 90%), the reflection band is shifted against the ‘Bragg’ wavelength toward the shorter wavelengths, and its spectral shape is very different from that of a shallow grating. Inside a reflection band, a part of the input optical power penetrates through the grating even if it is infinitely long. These properties are predicted by modelling using two independent computer codes based on different modelling methods, namely the bi-directional mode expansion and propagation method (BEP), and a method of lines (MoL). The first method is discussed in some detail here. The work has been performed within the framework of European Action COST 240.