Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body
The treatment and assessment of fascial tissue and fascial pathology has become increasingly popular over the past several years, particularly in the world of manual therapy. This has led to the publication of the first text dedicated to this tissue, entitled Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body. A number of the world’s leading researchers and clinicians have been brought together to present the first comprehensive title on fascia. It has been written to address the needs of scientists and clinicians alike.
The first section of the text provides an in depth review of the scientific foundations regarding fascia including anatomy, communication, force transmission and physiology. The second section focuses on the clinical application of the basic sciences and covers the diagnosis and treatment of a number of fascia related disorders. Finally the third section discusses the challenges associated with researching fascial tissues as well as future directions that need to be taken in order to better understand this complex and vital tissue.
The information contained within this text provides the reader with the necessary scientific background to apply the proposed evidence based treatments for fascial disorders. The current trends within the scientific literature are pointing towards a need for a stronger understanding of this highly integrated tissue. The reader is provided with an up to date comprehensive review of fascial related research allowing them to address fascial disorders within their patients and to further improve the state of the literature regarding fascia.