A Symbolic Database for Fingerprints Storage - How to Build It?

Databases which store pictures of fingerprints are very complex and contain large amount of data which make them hard to explore. This problem can be solved by implementing symbols within the database which represent pictures of fingerprints. Namely, it is known that most minutiae, i.e. papule's lines marks, can be placed in one out of six already defined classes. This paper shows how to build a database which ensures that two-dimensional fingerprint picture is quickly and accurately recognized within the database according to the pre-defined classes of minutiae. The creation of this symbolic database for fingerprints storage would enable that each fingerprint picture which is converted in two-dimensional square matrix is classified in one out of six pre-defined classes according to the type of minutiae. These pre-defined classes of minutiae are: minutiae termination, minutiae bifurcation, minutiae spur, minutiae dot, minutiae lake and minutiae crossover. If each minutiae class is properly marked using some symbol, the fingerprints database could be explored quicker in a real-time manner. Fingerprints are categorized according to the number and type of minutiae which makes it possible for them to be explored according to these criteria. Such database organization could be used in pre-processing during the identification of fingerprints.