Development of laser cutting/welding depth control using laser spectroscopy and open architecture control of a robotic system

This project was driven by the need to identify and provide unique, state-of-the-art solutions to the robotic path planning and precision motion execution problems that face automated processes such as welding and cutting using lasers. The initial LDRD proposal was for a full three years program with a schedule that would create a precision robotic platform capable of providing path planning and precision motion execution using sensor and graphical programming technologies as the first year milestone. Milestones for year two were centered in developing and deploying sensor technologies that support welding and cutting. And year three milestones included the integration of any developed sensors onto the robotic platform under software control to achieve autonomous control of laser welding and cutting processes. The work performed was directed at the goal of establishing a precision robotics platform with the capability to integrate graphical programming, CAD model based path planning, and motion execution under real-time sensor based control. This report covers the progress made toward that goal during the one year of funding.