Modeling and Experimental Analysis of A Fluidic Generator
A fluidic generator is a device that converts air flow into electrical power. The mechanical portion of this generator is modeled for its dynamic characteristics so that optimization of the power output may be attained through mechanical system modification. Further, a regression analysis is carried out on experimentally obtained data to allow specific definition of defects in the analytic model. A lumped parameter mechanical network is used to model the system. Structural inertia, stiffness, viscous damping, and internal structural damping models are used to model a corrugated diaphragm, a connecting rod, coupling nuts, and a cantilever laminated reed. Special attention is given to the modeling of the corrugated diaphragm laminated reed. A computer algorithm, IMPV, (Impedance Modeling Program, version V), is used to solve the impedance formulation of this model. The result is the dynamic compliance matrix of the structural assembly. Specifically, the displacement response at the end of the reed is computer per unit force applied at the center of the diaphragm. The resultant dynamic transfer compliance is compared to the experimental Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) dynamic transfer compliance as measured on the actual structure.