An s-arc in a graph is a vertex sequence (α0, α1, . . . , αs) such that {αi−1, αi} ∈ EΓ for 1 6 i 6 s and αi−1 6= αi+1 for 1 6 i 6 s− 1. This paper gives a characterization of a class of s-transitive graphs; that is, graphs for which the automorphism group is transitive on s-arcs but not on (s+ 1)-arcs. It is proved that if Γ is a finite connected s-transitive graph (where s > 2) of order a p-power with p prime, then s = 2 or 3; further, either s = 3 and Γ is a normal cover of the complete bipartite graph K2m,2m , or s = 2 and Γ is a normal cover of one of the following 2-transitive graphs: Kpm+1 (the complete graph of order p m+1), K2m,2m − 2K2 (the complete bipartite graph of order 2m+1 minus a 1-factor), a primitive affine graph, or a biprimitive affine graph. (Finite primitive and biprimitive affine 2-arc transitive graphs were classified by Ivanov and Praeger in 1993.)