Test Guide for ADS-33E-PRF

Abstract : This Test Guide provides guidance for testing to the requirements of ADS33E-PRF, Aeronautical Design Standard, Performance Specification, Handling Qualities Requirements for Military Rotorcraft. Information is also provided for the gathering and analysis of the necessary data, including reference to more detailed sources as appropriate. In addition, guidance is provided for planning a flight test program, including selection of test conditions and estimating the overall scope. This Guide is intended to be of value for testing throughout the development cycle for a rotorcraft design, whether it is a new prototype or a modification to an existing design. It is expected that this Guide will be a reference source for both the developer of the rotorcraft and the procuring activity. Section I of the Test Guide provides an introduction and describes the overall scope. Section II provides detailed guidance for testing and data analysis, and interpretation for each requirement. Section III provides guidance for the selection of test conditions and rotorcraft Status for flight testing. An Appendix describes the input types required for applying the quantitative requirements of ADS-33E-PRF.