Following the work of Van Trees,[1] the effect of wide-sense stationary clutter on signal detectability with a matched filter is determined. The improvement to be gained by a high time-bandwidth product in the transmitted waveform for the detection of low-velocity targets is clearly shown. The additional noise contributed by the clutter is reduced by a factor equal to the time-bandwidth product. This reducing effect occurs provided that the transmitted waveform is adjusted properly. The optimum transmitted waveform for detection of low-velocity targets turns out to be one whose energy density spectrum is flat over the bandwidth of interest. This derivation is made by a simple application of Schwarz's inequality rather than the application of the calculus of variations that was done by Manasse.[14] Computations were made of the loss encountered by a narrow-band single-frequency waveform and by a wide-band linear FM waveform, each used in a matched-filter detector. The contrast is especially marked for very low target speeds where the narrow-band waveform is very bad. Its loss drops off sharply with target speed while the loss of the wide-band waveform drops off very slowly in comparison. Beyond a certain small target speed, the narrow-band loss is negligible. However, with enough bandwidth, the wide-band waveform can be made to have acceptable loss at all target speeds.
Phillip A. Bello,et al.
Correlation functions in a tapped delay line model of the orbital dipole channel
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.
R. H. Prager,et al.
Processing gains against reverberation (clutter) using matched filters
IRE Trans. Inf. Theory.
P. Bello.
Characterization of Randomly Time-Variant Linear Channels
A. W. Rihaczek.
Optimum Filters for Signal Detection in Clutter
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
Harry L. Van Trees,et al.
Optimum Signal Design and Processing for Reverberation-Limited Environments
H. Urkowitz.
Bandpass filtering with lowpass filters
D. Lampard.
Generalization of the Wiener‐Khintchine Theorem to Nonstationary Processes
T. Hagfors.
Some properties of radio waves reflected from the Moon and their relation to the lunar surface
T. Kailath,et al.
Measurements on time-variant communication channels
IRE Trans. Inf. Theory.