This Guide has been prepared for authors of papers submitted to CHT-15, the sixth ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer. It has been written in accordance with these requirements, and so may be used as a template for your papers. It is very long and very detailed; authors are requested to read these guidelines carefully and follow them precisely, in order to achieve uniformity in the presentation of the Proceedings. This Guide also contains a Transfer of Copyright Agreement, which must be signed by the senior author and returned to the Symposium Chairs at the time of submission of full papers and final abstracts. ABSTRACT The initial abstract should be one or at the most two pages, including equations, figures, tables and references (if required by the text in the abstract). It should summarise the background to the work, the assumptions made, the methods adopted and the results achieved, all in sufficient detail to enable an evaluation to be made of the suitability and relevance of the full paper.