Defend of Ancient 2 (DOTA 2) is kind of team strategy game which is MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). This game is one of the most popular games in the world of E-Sport, where the tournament held by this game is well known among gamers. Research perform on the DOTA 2 game which focuses on one of the servers in this game, the purpose of this research is to find out whether the naive bayes method is the right methods to find out the traffic patterns from the players as well as visualize the game, find out any traffic patterns in a match, then visualize the traffic patterns results which made it easier to be analyzed from the data that are found. To get the traffic patterns from the game Defend of ancient 2 this research use four step, which are: (i) system design to obtain research dataset, (ii) Tapping data from four DOTA 2 player activity starting from the Start Menu, Streaming, Hero Select, and Gameplay, (iii) Extracting data using Data Extraction, (iv) Normalizing data that has been unpack using data extraction, then normalized data are visualized using WEKA with Naive Bayes classification, through the four step that perform in this research, the output results from WEKA on the FLAGS attribute where from 14 data obtained, 12 data have the correct classification with result 85.71%, and 2 data is error on classification with an error result is 14.28%