フリーメッシュ法(一種のメッシュレス法)の流体解析への適用 : 第2報, 大規模並列解析

In this paper, Free Mesh Method, which is a kind of meshless method based on the usual finite element method, is applied to unsteady incompressible viscous flow analysis using a parallel computer. The method is well compatible with the parallel environment because the global matrices of the finite element method, mass, advection, diffusion and gradient matrices, are independently computed node-by-node, and furthermore because the node-element connectivity information is unnecessary. To solve the governing equations of fluid dynamics, the Navier-Stokes and the the continuity equations, the velocity correction method with interpolation functions for velocity and pressure having equal order was used for time integration. A message passing library was used for the parallelization and the parallel efficiency over 83% was obtained for a large scale problem with 480 000 degrees of freedom using 16 processors.