Evaluation of Menu Planning Capability Based on Multi-dimensional 0 / 1 Knapsack Problem of Nutritional Management System

Recently lifestyle-related diseases have become an object of public concern, at the same time people have been more health conscious. As an essential factor bringing on the lifestyle-related diseases, we assume that the knowledge circulation on dietary habit has not worked properly. This paper focuses on everyday meals close to our life, and proposes a wellbalanced menu planning system as a preventive measure of lifestyle-related diseases. The system is developed by using the Internet technology, and it provides multi-user service and menu information sharing capability like social networking service (SNS). The system works on Web server built by Apache (HTTP server software), MySQL (DataBase Management System) and PHP (Scripting language for dynamic Web pages). For the menu planning, a genetic algorithm is applied by understanding this problem as multidimensional 0/1 knapsack problem.