Matched field processing in shallow water for range, depth, and bearing determination: Results of experiment and simulation

Recent theoretical studies have investigated high‐resolution methods for estimating source position in a shallow‐water waveguide. In this paper, an eigenvector method and a geophysical model based on several types of seismic data are used to estimate the bearing, depth, and range of a moving submerged source in the presence of an interfering surface source at the same range and bearing. The receiver was a sparse horizontal array of four sensors on the bottom (depth 82 m). A variant of the eigenvector method known as the MUSIC method was employed for measured and test field matching and a normal mode model was employed to calculate the test field. The data analyzed were obtained by towing a submerged source directly below the stern of the CFAV Endeavour, so that the surface and submerged sources were essentially at the same range and bearing. Source bearing estimates for the data showed that source bearings were usually well defined although somewhat ambiguous. The presence of the deep source was indicated...