Synthesis of 4‐Octuloses. Part 6. 4‐Octulose Derivatives, Prepared from L‐Sorbose, as Key Intermediates in the Stereoselective Synthesis of C‐Glycoside and Polyhydroxyindolizidine Analogues.

Reactions of 1 and 12 with p-toluenesulfonyl chloride in pyridine gave the corresponding 1-O-p-toluenesulfonyl derivatives 2 and 13 in yields of 91% and 60%, respectively. Compound 12 was also transformed into 14 by treatment with I2/ Ph3P/imidazole in anhydrous dichloromethane. Treatment of compounds 12 and 13/14 with NaN3 in DMF furnished the respective 1-azido-1-deoxy derivatives 3 and 15, which were then deacetonated to give the free 4-octuloses 4 and 16. These were subsequently hydrogenated in the presence of 10% Pd/C to afford the expected polyhydroxylated branched-chain pyrrolidines 5 and 17. Attempted OH R