Development of Motorcycle Parking Design Guidelines

There is little guidance on motorcycle parking design in the U.S. This is partially because motorcycles comprise only about 2.5% of the traffic stream, and 0.3% of all highway travel. Parking design concerns include parking stall dimensions, the minimum number of auto spaces needed to warrant motorcycle parking, the proportion of all parking spaces that are for motorcycles, and the motorcycle-automobile ?equivalency? factor. A ?Google? survey identified 46 agencies in the U.S. with online motorcycle parking regulations. A lack of uniformity was revealed in all of the areas of concern. Based on an assessment of practices and motorcycle-related data, the following are recommended: motorcycle parking stall dimensions of 4.5 ft by 8 ft, 1 motorcycle parking stall per 24, 36, 48 or 60 auto stalls, depending on the State, and an equivalency factor of four motorcycles per auto. To develop a more comprehensive set of guidelines, further study is needed on local and regional motorcycle registrations, parking Angles, parking charges, the location of motorcycle parking relative to automobile parking, parking rates based on land use measures, and the advantages of a parking ?area? versus marked stalls. As this study concentrated on U.S. agencies, it may be useful to examine and integrate international practices.