Rapid migration and commissioning of industrial equipment

The aim of the project OMSIS is the creation of an integrated test and simulation environment for validating the correct functionality of control entities (PLC, MES, etc.). When developing customer-specific automated equipment, simulation is often the only option to test the control software before commissioning. It also allows system engineers migrating existing automation equipment seamlessly to up-to-date controllers while keeping the equipment online. Todaypsilas approaches are characterized by using individual software tools for test case management, simulation tasks, data collection and analysis, often showing a lack of standardized interfaces for data exchange. In most cases, the user has to configure, initialize and start these tools manually, which is a time-consuming process leading to many mistakes. To automate the process of simulation and data evaluation, we propose an integration framework and interface modules for test case execution control and data exchange. Novel data analysis algorithms help the user to identify event-based models and detect anomalies based on simulation or equipment traces.