Introduction: The Expanding Role of the Expert Witness in Questions of Competence 1 1. Overview: The History, Present Scope, and Future Implications for Legal Comptetency 5 A. The history of the relationship between competency and the law 5 B. Future growth in this area 8 C. Why the question of competence is so important to mental health professionals 9 D. An introduction to sanism and pretextuality 23 2. Criminal Competencies 25 A. Competency to stand trial 26 B. Competency to plead guilty 63 C. Competency to waive counsel 71 D. Other criminal competencies 78 E. Impact of incompetency fi nding on ability to enter insanity plea 90 F. Impact of incompetency fi nding on ability to enter guilty but mentally ill plea 91 G. Impact of incompetency on the trial of a defendant as a sexually violent predator 91 H. Competency to be executed 92 3. Competency and Institutionalization of Persons by Reason of Mental Disability 134 A. Involuntary civil commitment 134 B. Competency and the right to refuse treatment 148 C. Competency and other institutional rights 166 D. Competency and correctional issues 171 4. Competency and the Civil law 174 A. Torts 181 B. Contracts 194 C. Wills, trusts, and other donative transfers 219 D. Guardianships 245 E. Domestic relations 268 5. Conclusion 292 A. Commonalities 292 B. Suggestions 296 About the Authors 299 Index 301
M. Perlin.
Tarasoff and the dilemma of the dangerous patient: new directions for the 1990's.
Law and psychology review.
M. Perlin.
'For the Misdemeanor Outlaw': The Impact of the ADA on the Institutionalization of Criminal Defendants with Mental Disabilities
M. Perlin.
And My Best Friend, My Doctor, Won't Even Say What it is I've Got: The Role and Significance of Counsel in Right to Refuse Treatment Cases
D. Rottman,et al.
Problem-Solving Courts: Models and Trends
B. Winick.
The MacArthur Treatment Competence Study: Legal and therapeutic implications.
M. Perlin.
Everything's a Little Upside down, as a Matter of Fact the Wheels Have Stopped: The Fraudulence of the Incompetency Evaluation Process
M. Perlin.
'Half-Wracked Prejudice Leaped Forth': Sanism, Pretextuality, and Why and How Mental Disability Law Developed as it Did
M. Perlin.
'You Have Discussed Lepers and Crooks': Sanism in Clinical Teaching