Smart Maintenance-Industry 4.0 and Smart Maintenance: from Manufacturing to Subsea Production Systems

This paper is focused on how principles from Industry 4.0 in manufacturing can be used in operation and maintenance of subsea production systems. The primary purpose and goal of the paper is to investigate the application of Smart Maintenance to achieve high level of safety, availability and profit in operation and maintenance of subsea production systems. The paper describes state-of-the-art in Smart Maintenance. This includes the framework for intelligent predictive maintenance, use of artificial intelligence for condition monitoring purposes and the progression of technologies for Smart Maintenance. The procedures for maintenance of Ormen Lange subsea choke modules are outlined. The paper investigates the performance of procedures for maintenance of Ormen Lange subsea choke modules, as compared to state-of-the-art in Smart Maintenance.The results are presented, as well a short conclusion. Suggestion for further work includes performing a quantitative Life Cycle Profit (LCP) analysis to investigate return on investment for further implementation of Smart Maintenance for Ormen Lange subsea choke modules. Keywords–smart maintenance; predictive maintenance; Industry 4.0; operation and maintenance; subsea production systems